Private Correspondence Nicholas Stark

Private Correspondence
Nicholas Stark
SNT 2-23-1985

64K - Sound Quality good for 64K

Prisoner's wives keep on being killed and the police think it is an ex-prisoner, but is it?

Robert Blythe - Detective Inspector Boyd
George Brook - Philip Rowlands
Susan Redding - Amanda Wright
Caroline Stone - Susan Mansell
Glyn Houston - Chief Superintendent Bailey
Geoffrey Morgan - Harris
Terry Jackson - Dyson

Private Correspondence LINK

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  • The plot sounds familiar, but I haven't listened to this SNT before.  Thanks Rick.  WWB

  • Cheers Rick. Thanks for this one.

    Robert Johnson

  • Thanks again, Rick! Much appreciated!

  • Thank You!

  • Gonna compare this encode with the one I have - mine is rather sibilant and a bit hissy.


    (An "Inspector" that i already have.)  :>P  :>P

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