Night Must Fall By Emlyn Williams

Night Must Fall
By Emlyn Williams
Hywel Bennett/Brenda Bruce/Caroline Mortimer


Mrs Bramson, a bitter, fussy, self-pitying elderly woman, resides in a remote part of Essex, with her intelligent yet subdued niece, Olivia. Mrs Bramson spends all her time complaining while sitting in a wheelchair (although it is revealed during the play that she has in fact no disability whatsoever). She is thoroughly disliked by her two servants, Dora, a young, sensitive maid and Mrs Terrence, the cook, as well as Olivia, who Mrs. Bramson also treats as a servant.

One day, Dora reveals she is pregnant. Mrs Bramson considers firing her, but then decides to persuade the father of Dora's unborn child to marry her. The father turns out to be a suave, handsome young man named Danny. He almost immediately charms Mrs Bramson, causing her to forget all about Dora's pregnancy and take Danny on as her private assistant.

Olivia, however, isn't as taken in by the charming Danny as her aunt is; she feels that he is putting on a facade and lying to hide something sinister. Her suspicions grow when, a few days later, it is reported that a local beauty has gone missing. Believing Danny to be involved, she, the servants, and her pompous admirer, Hubert, go through Danny's things when he is not around, finding a picture of him and the missing woman buried among his belongings. This shocking discovery strengthens Olivia's suspicions and determination to prove that Danny is not what he seems.....

Night Must Fall Link

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  • The clipping for the first broadcast:


    • Thank You Sir!  I have that clipping, i used the other one because i just plain liked it. LOL. Now it has both, most excellent teamwork.

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