Murder Repeats Itself by Didier Daeninckx

By Didier Daeninckx, dramatised by Melanie Garrett


 In 1985, a history student is gunned down in a Toulouse street. Inspector Cadin discovers the victim's father was also shot dead during a street demonstration in Paris. The key to both murders can be found in a shameful episode during the Second World War.




Cadin.......Jimmy Chisholm

Bourrassol.......Mark McDonnell

Claudine.......Emma Currie

Rosner.......James Bryce

Cazes.......Alec Heggle

MmeThiraud.......Joanna Tope

Veillut.......Robert Trotter

Dalbois.......Finlay McLean


Directed by Bruce Young!ArrWZcg2lV80inwmqunmQbT1MHPg


Size 65MB. Length 57 minutes. Bitrate 160kbps



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