Monsieur LaSouris By Georges Simenon

Monsieur LaSouris
By Georges Simenon

When a tramp finds a dead body in the back of a Taxi his life changes for ever.

Tape badly Damage had to remove some from the front, consequently the intro and about 30 second at the beginning is missing.

BBC Radio 4 Date  Unknown

Recorded to tape (date unknown)Converted to MP3 128Kbps

If anyone has any information on the show or the complete show please post

Monsieur LaSoories Link

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  • Sadly, I have the same file that you do and the same notes ...

    That being said, I can offer one correction and one addition:

    The title is Monsieur La Souris.  (Souris is French for "mouse")

    I have in my notes that the play was broadcast in May, 1975, while Suttonelms (VRPCC) shows it as

    20.10.1979 Monsieur La Souris Georges Simenon Peter Woodthorpe/Cyril Shaps/Cecile Chevreau/David Ryall

    I'd believe those guys except that they have the play as "lost."


    • Thanks Bob.  I figured the spelling of the title was wrong, but I did not know how to correct it.  It is too bad that the tape was damaged.  --------------------------------------------  Rick

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