Midnight Cab (CBC)

MIDNIGHT CAB (1992-96?, CBC) 35 30-minute episodes Written by W. Nichols Starring as David Ferry as WALKER DEVEREAUX . MIDNIGHT CAB (CBC) (1 CD) =COMPLETE SERIES= Conceived and Written by award-winning Canadian writer James W. Nicol. David Ferry is Walker Devereaux, Jaqueline Samuda is Krista Papadopoulos, and Neil Munro is Inspector Kiss. Walker Devereaux , a 19 yearold aspiring novelist from northern Ontario, works the graveyeard shift driving a taxi in downtown Toronto. Each episode, Walker happens upon a mystery and becomes more or less amazed or confused by his dispatcher, Krista Papadopoulos . Together, Walker and listeners discover that Toronto is really comprised of a thousand small towns. Produced and Directed by Bill Howell. Music by Milan Kymlicka. My thanks to James for these episodes when mine were lost in a crash and the posted ones were deleted along with an entire group in an unfortunate incident. 1-3 of 35

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