Ladies In Retirement By Edward Percy & Reginald Denham

Ladies In Retirement
By Edward Percy & Reginald Denham

SNT 19.3.1977

Isabel Dean/Betty Hardy


Here is another SNT with no information except what is above and that it is lost/found.  It is a pity that I don't have time to listen to it in it's entirety at this time. It appears to be a cute little tale of  robbery, threats and murder by the most unlikely cast of characters. If anyone has more information about this little ditty please post it.

Ladies In Retirement LINK

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  • Rick, This is my night to load up on the SNTs.  Thanks for doing all the work and letting us enjoy them.  WWB

  • From the description of a stage version:

    Mystery, intrigue and humour in an old house near the Thames estuary form the basis of this spine-chilling thriller.

    Based on a famous murder which actually took place at the end of the last century.

    Set in 1885, the story follows Ellen Creed, a housekeeper to wealthy retired actress Leonora Fiske.

    An eerie atmosphere of mystery is evoked in a dark, lonely house on the marshes of the Thames estuary.

    • Still sitting on that server full of information eh, Thank You Kind Sir.  -------------------------------------------------  Rick

    • Nope. Done for the day - looking forward to heading home soon

    • How is it going?  I know it is a mess, but are you able to see a light at the end of the tunnel yet?  i never lived in the city except for when I was in school but being an upstate New Yorker by birth I love the city and what it stands for.  I spent time on the Jersey shore also and took part of my training on Staten Island, at Bellevue etc.  Did you catch any of the 121212 Concert?  I know New Yorkers and they will not quit until it is better than it was to begin with.  Even though I live in South Carolina I am proud to be from New York and will always be a New Yorker at heart.  --------------------------------------------  Rick

    • I'm taking a short break this weekend, but will be back in NYC on Tuesday evening until Christmas Eve morning. I will, of course, be in NY for New Year's Eve (WITH MY WIFE!) because it ain't New years until New York says it's New Years. :>)

      As for alight at the end of the tunnel ... not yet ... not even remotely. I could easily be here for another six months, working seven days a week and that doen's include new construction which will take several years.

      We had the 121212 concert on a HUGE screen at work, courtesy of a local Best Buy store whose network we had rebuilt. Two members of my crew are New Yorkers who left our site on Tuesday to work on the lighting and power for the concert.


    • Excellent my friend.  My wife and I watched the whole thing too. It was really great.  The old Rockers can still Rock and Roll for a worthy cause. As I was watching I couldn't believe how old some of them had gotten.  It must be the good life got to them.  Old Mick gets uglier every time I see him.  The who or what's left of them were excellent.  I went into hysterics at McCartney when he got in the middle of the Nirvana Revival.  I just really enjoyed it immensely.

      I will be glad to see you back for awhile anyways.  In the meantime I will post some more, in-between taking care of my wife.  I can only do so much, being disabled myself, but I try and she appreciates it.  If we don't take of each other who will?  I will talk to you again later.

        -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Rick

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