
  • Thanks for these--I'm still playing catch up after several computer crashes over the years.

  • Thanks Estleman. You've made my day. I'd just run out of Narrated Morse stories and was longing for more :)


  • Thanks for this. Morse is always great.

    Robert Johnson

  • bumped

  • E, Thanks for posting these.  Haven't heard of Inspector Morse in many years, and I'm sure I'll enjoy listening to them.  WWB

  • Estleman - Thanks so much for this great offering.  I enjoyed Inspector Morse from PBS and I am looking forward to hearing his adventures now.



  • Thanks for these great downloads, Estle(my)man. Have loved Dexter and Morse from day one and was blue for a long time when both character then actor shuffled off this mortal coil. Thanks again, dave from Down Under.
  • Thanks, what kind of car is that?
    • Jaguar - in the original novels, Morse drove a Lancia, but they went back and changed it in the reprints.
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