He Died With His Eyes Open By Derek Raymond

He Died With His Eyes Open
By Derek Raymond [1984]
 Adapted in 3 parts by Nick Perry


Broadcast 1 to 15 October 2013, 23:00-23:30

Dark thriller set in the 1980s adapted from a cult crime novel.

The Detective ... Burn Gorman
Staniland ... Toby Jones
Barbara ... Tanya Franks
Bowman ... Ben Crowe
Grampian / Dave ... Michael Bertenshaw
Fenton ... Jamie Foreman
Betty ... Christine Absalom
Landlord ... Sean Murray
Pathologist ... Ed Thorpe
Eric / Scar ... Will Howard
Margo / Nurse ... Priyanga Burford
Bouncer / Policeman ... Sean Murray

Sound design by Caleb Knightley.

Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko

Derek Raymond  was the pen name adopted in the 1980s by Robert William Arthur Cook (12 June 1931 Ð 30 July 1994), an English crime writer, credited with being a founder of British noir.

Episode 1 of 3
First broadcast: Tuesday 01 October 2013
   Burn Gorman plays a detective investigating a brutal murder in 1980s London. He has little to go on except for the cassette diaries left by the victim, played by Toby Jones. Fragments of his life, recorded at different times, punch through into the present, and supply the detective with elusive clues to the true nature of the man's fate.

Episode 2 of 3
First broadcast: Tuesday 08 October 2013
   Burn Gorman plays a detective investigating a brutal murder in 1980s London. Through a series of encounters with the people who knew him alive, and through the cassette tapes he left behind, the detective builds up a picture of Staniland, the 51-year-old victim whose case he is investigating because nobody else wants to.

Episode 3 of 3
First broadcast: Tuesday 15 October 2013
  Burn Gorman plays a detective investigating a brutal murder in 1980s London. The case has left him so consumed by empathy that he has wilfully walked the same self-destructive path as the victim. As he re-traces the deceased's final steps, he risks becoming the next victim.

He Died With His Eyes Open LINK

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  • Rick, Thanks.

  • Dear Rick -

    Thanks so much for another wonderful offering.  I enjoy all the postings you provide and learn something new every time I listen and enjoy them. 

    Again thanks,


  • Thanks a lot.

  • Thanks much!

  • Thank You Rick.  This looks interesting.  I'm looking forward to giving it a listen.

  • Thanks, Rick!!

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