
  • Rick - Thanks so much for the shows and all the work you do.  I am sorry to hear about your fall.  I hope you will be feeling better soon. 

    Again thanks,


    • Hi,

      I am OK.  I do fall occasionally and am in constant pain.  This is an ongoing thing and has been the same for 12 years.  Although I am losing more function it will be awhile before i get to a wheelchair completely.  Thank You for wishes.  ----------------  Rick

  • Thanks for the shows. This one sounds like a true keeper.
  • Rick, I finally got around to this.  Thanks for all your posts and other hard work.  Hope you have recovered from your fall.  I am still rehabbing a broken foot so I can relate.



    • I hope you feel better Gypsy.  There are so many bones in the Foot.  If you break one they all hurt.  ------  Rick
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