Draw Batons By Bill Knox

Draw Batons

By Bill Knox

SNT 1974-12-01

With Paul Kermack/Gerard Slevin/Martin Cichrane


A DIC Thane and Inspector Moss Mystery

A used-car dealer found murdered at a model railway exhibition becomes linked with the threat of a major crime planned by men who quickly show themselves prepared to kill again.

My Thanks to the posters at Usenet

Draw Batons Link

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  • Thanks Rick.  WWB

  • Thanks again, Rick, it is just so good to find stuff I enjoyed in print many years ago!

    I, too, would appreciate any more you may have, even without the usual full descriptions.

    • From what I can find out, those are the only 3 available, of I think 7, done by the BBC.  ------------  Rick

    • AFAIK, this is sadly true. :>(

    • Please Explain

    • You said:

      From what I can find out, those are the only 3 available, of I think 7, done by the BBC.

      and I replied:

      AFAIK, this is sadly true. :>(

    • AFAIK, what does it mean?

    • AFAIK, "AFAIK" means "As Far As I Know."  :>P

    • Thank You, next time I will know.  ----------------------------------------------  Rick

    • Hi Bob, You have a PM from me.  Enjoy it.  --------------------  Rick

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