This is the other Brunetti dramatization by the Beeb

The Anonymous Venetian
Donna Leon (dramatized by Nick McCarty)

The unknown Venetian is found wearing a cheap red dress and satin shoes, lying on waste ground often used by prostitutes. Commissario Brunetti's investigations lead him into a dark world where not only the canals stink.

Guido Brunetti ...... Danny Webb
Paola Brunetti ...... Sylvestra Le Touzel
Vianello ...... Dylan Charles
Patta ...... Steve Hodson
Elettra ...... Jenny Funnell
Sgt. Gallo ...... Keith Drinkel
Maria Nardi ...... Connie Walker
Signora Mascari ...... Jennifer Hilary
Santomauro ...... David Collings
Ravanello ...... Jonathan Keeble
Malfatti ...... Scott Brooksbank
Crespo ...... Jonathan Broadbent
Canale ...... Ben Turner
Professor Ratti ...... Trevor Nichols
The Voice of Venice ...... Valerie Sarruf

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  • You are most kind, Thank you


  • Thank you, Bob, for the new upload.  I have been enjoying the other files on this link!

  • Apparently Ning hosed the original uploads, as they worked fine for the longest time ...

    I've deleted them.

    I've uploaded a single file (actually a better encode as well) to my server at:



    • Would you know if there be other Donna Leon novel dramatizations out there? I've only found one or two others here in Past Times.

      Thanks for sharing

    • To my knowledge, BBC has only dramatised the two Leon-Brunetti novels offered here.

      Of course, I'd be glad to know that I'm wrong and that there are more ... :>)


  • I was too hasty with my reply.  After a few options I was able to delete the files.

  • I got a files are corrupted message from winrar, and it won't delete.

  • as i said I tried the free version of winzip but that does not open spanned files so if anyone can upload an accessible file I would be grateful


  • Thanks for the program.

This reply was deleted.