This dramatised series of six half-hour episodes features a stellar cast with Harry Enfield as the eponymous Holistic Detective, Billy Boyd as his client Richard Macduff, Olivia Coleman as his secretary Janice Pearce, Jim Carter as his nemesis DS Gilks, Andrew Sachs as Professor Reg Chronotis, Felicity Montagu as Susan Way, Robert Duncan as her brother Gordon, Toby Longworth as the Electric Monk and Michael Fenton Stevens as Michael Wenton Weakes. Although this adaption will maintain the element of comic absurdity and wit that appeals to HitchHiker fans, it will work in its own right as a comedy for listeners new to Adams. Essentially a science fiction mystery comedy, the series explores everything from quantum physics, Norse Gods and an electric monk, to Coleridge, Schrodinger, Fractal theory, computer software & Bach. This series of six half-hours features a stellar cast with Harry Enfield as the eponymous Holistic Detective parts 1-2 of 6

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  • Wow! That is an amazing cast, all right.
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