Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed by Nick Mohammed

Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed
BBC Radio 4
3 - 24 Sept 2013
 Audio Bitrate(kbps): 128

Series 1 (2011)

1. Episode One
First Broadcast: Wed 14th December 2011

Comedy by Nick Mohammed set at Tilford Road Police Station. Nick and and his fellow officers attempt to fathom who killed the man with the missing head. With Nick Mohammed, Anna Crilly and Colin Hoult.

2. Episode Two

Comedy by Nick Mohammed set at Tilford Road Police Station

2/4 DS Nick Mohammed and his fellow officers try to solve a kidnapping.

First Broadcast 21 Dec 2011

First Broadcast: Wed 21st December 2011

Comedy by Nick Mohammed set at Tilford Road Police Station.

3. Episode Three
First Broadcast: Wed 28th December 2011

Comedy by Nick Mohammed set at Tilford Road Police Station.

3/4 DS Nick Mohammed and co tackle a full-on student protest.

4. Episode Four
First Broadcast: Wed 4th January 2012

Comedy by Nick Mohammed set at Tilford Road Police Station.

4/4 DS Nick Mohammed and team attempt to solve a bank heist.

Series 2 (2013)

Episode 1 - Forgery (3 Sept 2013)
DS Nick Mohammed finds himself immersed in the art world, when a forgery ring is discovered. Colin and Anna. Written and performed by Nick Mohammed, with Anna Crilly, Colin Hoult, Margaret Cabourn-Smith and and Wil Andrews. Producer: Tilusha Ghelani & Victoria Lloyd

Episode 2 - Jury (10 Sept 2013)
DS Nick Mohammed has his day in court, but the judge seems unimpressed by his testimony. As ever, he is assisted by longsuffering constables Colin and Anna. Written and performed by Nick Mohammed, with Anna Crilly, Colin Hoult, Margaret Cabourn-Smith and Will Andrews. Producer: Victoria Lloyd and Tilusha Ghelani.

Episode 3 - Fugitive (17 Sept 2013)
DS Nick Mohammed is on the trail of a fugitive, assisted by longsuffering constables Colin and Anna. Written and performed by Nick Mohammed, with Anna Crilly, Colin Hoult, Margaret Cabourn-Smith and Will Andrews. Script Editor: Johnny Sweet. Producer: Victoria Lloyd.

Episode 4 - Security (24 September 2013)
Security: DS Nick Mohammed is asked to provide additional security for a major event, aided and abetted by long-suffering colleagues Colin and Anna. Written and performed by Nick Mohammed, with Anna Crilly, Colin Hoult, Margaret Cabourn-Smith and Will Andrews. Script Editor: Johnny Sweet. Producer: Victoria Lloyd.

Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed both sets LINK

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  • Rick, thank you so much.  Can't wait to listen.  A bit a levity will be good.

    • Enjoy it Gayle.  It is a funny set.  ----------------------------------------------------------------  R

  • Hey, Rick! Glad to see that you're feeling well enough to once again enjoy sharing your vast archive of shows with your appreciative audience...take it easy, though....and thanks again for all you do!! Abby :)

    • Thanks Abby,

      I could tell when I got well enough to post because the itch to post returned.  I am trying to take it easy for awhile and post a few at a time.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------  R

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