Death In Ecstasy by Ngaio Marsh

Death In Ecstasy
Ngaio Marsh
SNT - 13 September 1969


When wealthy Cara Quayne dropped dead to the floor after drinking the ritual wine at the House of the Sacred Flame, she was having a religious experience of a sort unsuspected by the other initiates. Discovering how the fatal acid got into the group's wine is but one of the perplexing riddles that confronts Inspector Roderick Alleyn.

with Peter Howell and Gary Watson

Death In Ecstasy Link

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  • Thanks again Rick.

    Robert Johnson

    • Thank you, Rick. I didn't know that this one existed.

    • Thanks for sharing

  • Thanks, almost missed it. I was watching Tennessee get slammed by Florida.

    • That is one vice I do not have.  I am not a sports fan.  Some people think that is a flaw, but I would rather collect post and listen than to watch sports.  Oh well, just trying to get all these SNTs squared away.  ---  Rick

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