Dead Drop (CBC Mystery Project)

Dead Drop The sight of a body lying by the side of a dark country road is enough to unsettle anyone, but when the body disappears and the police get nasty then you can't blame a girl for getting upset and a little paranoid. A 2 part mystery by Max Marquis.

2001-05-12 Dead Drop part 1.mp3

2001-05-19 Dead Drop part 2.mp3

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  • thank you

    • Thanks for sharing.

  • Thanks for this one. It sounds great.

    Robert Johnson

  • Many thanks! Here's the original BBC Radio information from the BBC Genome site:

    Afternoon Theatre

    BBC Radio 4 FM, 19 October 1973 15.05
    Selected for Friday
    Dead Drop: a play for radio by MAX MARQUIS
    A body is found in the roadway at Hampstead Heath, but it disappears. Where is it-and why should the Ministry of Defence be so interested?
    Producer CHRISTOPHER vennino
    Unknown: Max Marquis
    June Coney: Patricia Gallimore
    Harold Robson: Nigel Anthony
    Insp McAndrew: Douglas Blackwell
    Fetra: Ingrid Bower
    Coleman: David Garth
    Edward Hart: Eric Lander
    Bellamy: Robin Browne
    Penkarsky: Edward Kelsey
    Ivanov: Martin Matthews
    Policeman: Sean Barrett
    Stewardess JO: Manning Wilson

  • Thank your for the CBC programs.

  • Another BBC play really great as they are new to me and the voices are ones I recall- always comforting:)  Thanks


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