Counsel For The Defence by Jeffrey Ashford

Counsel For The Defence  
by Jeffrey Ashford
SNT 1961-04-08
With James Kenney/William Eedle/Carleton Hobbs

Police are called to a fight between 2 men with knives.  They respond and are found later in their underclothes tied up and beaten.  The uniforms and the police car is used to commit a bank robbery and then abandoned with an old man in the back seat who also has been beaten.  Inspectors are investigating and ........

Counsel For The Defence LINK

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  • Thank you

  • Rick -

    Thanks for the offering.


  • Many thanks, Rick!

  • Thanks Rick.

  • That brief lull between postings fooled me into believing that you'd stopped for a while.

    I should have known.

    • Fooled You! 

  • Thanks Rick.  As with Anson Roberts, the word Inspector triggered an automatic download.

    • LOL, another one.  I don't admit this often but Inspector does the sam thing to me.  ------------------  Rick

  • Thanks Rick!

  • I saw the magic word "inspectors" and was hooked.


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