Coleman and Astor by Michael McStay

Coleman and Astor by Michael McStay Stephen Thorne as Inspector Coleman Joe Dunlop as Sergeant Astor Theme music by Stephen Warbeck Death Beach – 1990-10-13 Hollywood director Curt Zorack's filming is interrupted by a murder. Produced by Jane Morgan Jane Whittenshaw James Greene David King Nigel Carrington Ben Onwukwe Peter Vaughan Stephen Garlick Vincent Brimble Michael Mcstay Nicholas Gilbrook Mary Miller Jonathan Oliver

McStay, Michael - 901013 Coleman and Astor - Death Beach - (BBCR4).mp3

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  • Many thanks for all your hard work - much appreciated, Dick

  • Thanks Rick. I don't know how I missed these for the last few years. They are great.

    Robert Johnson

    • Enjoy!  -----------------------------------------------------  R

  • Thanks for these great shares, Rick!

  • Thank you, Rick!!

    • Thanks for the Thanks.  --------------------------  Rick

  • Dear Rick -

    Thanks so much for your sharing nature. 

    Your offerings are so good and make my days and nights.  It is thanks to your offerings that I am losing myself and my weight in these shows. After my cancer surgery I gained 150 pounds (treatment was tough and eating eased the pain).  When I reached 306 pounds, a few months ago, I knew I would either lose my life or I would have to lose the weight.  I started by walking in the mornings and listening to the shows you shared.  I am now down to 222 pounds and feeling better and the doctors have put me down to one pill a day for my blood pressure and my lone kidney (I had renal cell cancer) is working perfectly.

    Again thanks for all you do 'hear' and bless you for your kindness!

    A grateful fan,


  • thanks Rick for another good series

    • You are quite welcome James. May you enjoy this and much more here.  ---------------  Rick

  • No harm done - 1994-05-30

    No one in Southampton has any reason to be proud of the Gantry Estate, least of all the people who live there.

    Produced by Jane Morgan

    Margaret ............. Diana Bishop
    Supt Beauchamp ..... Frances Jeater
    Field ............. Dexter Fletcher
    Girl ............... Deborah Berlin
    Welch .......... Simon Schatzberger
    Ma Baker ............ Pauline Letts
    Blackman .............. Sidney Cole

    Fools rush in - 1994-06-06

    Produced by Jane Morgan

    Supt Beauchamp ..... Frances Jeater

    Nicholas Boulton
    Michael Onslow
    Diana Bishop
    Lyndam Gregory
    Paul Panting
    Tom Bevan
    Sally Kinghorn
    Marianne Morley
    Rachel Atkins

    McStay, Michael - 940530 Coleman and Astor - Fools Rush In - (BBCR4...

    McStay, Michael - 940606 Coleman and Astor - No Harm Done - (BBCR4)...

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