Bucket and The Whited Sepuchre by James Hendrie


A comedy crime thriller by Oscar-winning writer James Hendrie, based around a detective who first appeared in Dickens's `Bleak House'.


Inspector Bucket, a sort of Victorian Columbo, has an unusual approach to solving the crime of a murderous, pleasure-seeking vicar - he appears so bumbling and incompetent that his suspects drop their guard.


With Tony Haygarth and Neil Pearson.


Directed by John Dryden.

Possibly from the year 2000.

I must confess I didn't know what a "whited sepulchre" meant. Apparently it is an evil person who pretends to be holy or good; a hypocrite. Rather an apt title I think for this drama.

Size 21MB. Length 45 Minutes. Bitrate 64kbps.



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  • OMG!! Have been waiting 35 years (since I first read Bleak House) for SOMEBODY to write an Inspector Bucket pastiche!! I can't wait 'til I can listen to this!!!!

  • Dear William,

    Thanks so much for this offering.  I look forward to listening to it tonight.


  • Reminds me of the Columbo episode that starred Johnny Cash as the religious hypocrite. Thanks so much.


  • Thank you, William!

  • Sounds interesting, thank you.

  • Thanks, a favorite.

  • Cheers!

    • Thanks for sharing.

  • First broadcast in the AP segment on R4 on 3 August 2000 with Tony Haygarth as Inspector Bucket

  • The phrase is from Matthew 23:27. Most modern translations use the phrase "whitewashed tombs."

    See:  http://biblehub.com/matthew/23-27.htm

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