Becker (CBC)

Who says radio drama is dead? Every Saturday night, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 's Radio One broadcasts The CBC Mystery Project every Saturday on CBC Radio and I have decided to tackle this Behemoth one show at a time. I have already done "Peggy Delaney" and "Clean Sweep" and I thought I had done "Midnight Cab" but I can't find any trace of it on the site. Must be I posted it before we lost so much last year when a couple of groups disappeared, but I will get around to it again if it indeed is not here. I will start out with the 13 episodes of "Becker"

The hero of another CBC radio series, BECKER is probably the one who can best describe his job:

"The Queen of the Rockies. A Grand Hotel. About the last thing you'd expect to find in the Rockies in 1923, but then I may be the last thing you'd expect to find in a Grand Hotel. I'm the House Detective. Becker's the name. Just Becker."
(13 programs in original series)

Becker960406XM-01 View from Mount Von Relling.mp3

Becker960413XM-02 World of Mary Hunter.mp3

Becker960420XM-03 Pearl.mp3

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