Alibi For A Judge
By Henry Cecil
SNT 1975-24-05
Andrew Cruickshank/Amanda Grinling/Aubrey Woods
Mr Justice Carstairs is a High Court Judge. He is completely incompetent and a chronic worrier to boot. This is perfectly illustrated when he sentences a man to ten years' imprisonment and then immediately doubts his verdict. Taking the unprecedented step of trying to overrule his own judgement he encounters resistance on all sides. Matters get really complicated when, in trying to prove the man's innocence, he becomes convinced of his guilt. He also becomes the target of a blackmailer. Find out how he resolves this dilemma in this is highly amusing and whimsical tale of a man assailed by his own doubts.
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Rick -
Thanks so much for all you do for us.
Thanks Rick.
Rick, Again many thanks for posting these SNTs. WWB
Thanks again, Rick! You are great, and all your efforts are much appreciated! Abby :)
Alibi for a Judge is actually co-written by Henry and Felicity Douglas.
It's also included in the Cecil collection I posted earlier, although yours has a nice picture. :>)
You have one that is split into 2 parts with no intro and starts abruptly in your SNTs that is dated wrong and most likely the 1975 broadcast. You also have one one in your Henry Cecils that is 64K and also dated wrong It should be 1979. The 1975 and 1979 version which shows same cast was first run in 75 and rerun in 79. Your 64K in your Cecil folder actually states that it was first broadcast in 1975 so it is was likely broadcast at the 1979 date.
There were two different performances of this play The 1960 performance with different cast altogether which both of us fantasized we had and neither of us appear to have. The 75-79 version is what we both appear to have. This is an upgrade for you on both plays in your collection. It is complete and uncut at 128 K and is the first run in 1975. All information gathered at suttonelms. ----------- Rick