The Tomorrow People (BF) 2001-2007

The Tomorrow People

Big Finish


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Season 1

The New Gods

When John and Elena discover a new Tomorrow Person, Paul, breaking out, it seems like enough excitement for one day. But why is Paul captivated by media darlings Zane and Katya? Why is John acting strangely – working against TIM and the others. Has some ancient alien power returned to gather new followers from the ranks of today’s teenagers?

The Deadliest Species

The Galactic Federation is at war with the rapacious Sorson Empire, and losing. Two Federation ambassadors, negotiating a peace treaty, have been kidnapped by the Sorsons. One, however, has escaped, and joined forces with the anti-Sorson rebellion on the planet Desh. From there, he heads back home, to Earth, and his friends John and Tim of the Tomorrow People, pursued by the vengeful Sorsons.

The ambassador in question is Stephen Jameson, one of the very first Tomorrow People. But can the Deshian rebel he has befriended by trusted? Of are the secrets she carries more deadly than even Stephen realises…

The Ghosts of Mendez

In the heart of London a new art gallery is under construction using revolutionary designs by radical architect Cordelia Mendez. Georgie, an old friend of John’s, has been overseeing the gallery’s construction and invites him to see it. But when disaster strikes, John is forced into action to save the lives of the construction workers – dragging the Tomorrow People into far greater danger…
For John’s heroics have come to the attention of a reporter who has his own agenda – and some very unscrupulous acquaintances.

Can John keep the existence of the Tomorrow People a secret from the general public? And can he help a friend in need…?

The Sign of Diolyx

A new TP is breaking out, but something is horribly wrong. John and Paul travel to the Welsh village of Llan-y-Gwyliadwriaeth, but find that a psi dampening field is hampering their investigation and that young Alison Hardy has no intention of embracing her dormant powers.

Meanwhile Tim discovers an energy signature connecting the village with a mysterious ship in hyperspace, Against Tim’s better judgement, Elena goes to investigate and finds herself trapped with a ravenous alien entity.

What is the connection between the local vicar and the coven in Alison’s dreams? What links and ancient stone circle and the ship in hyperspace? Who or what is Diolyx?

The Tomorrow People find that they have stumbled upon an ancient evil. An evil that us about to be unleashed upon the world…

Season 2

A New Atlantis

Elena has been having disturbing dreams and begins to believe that a new Tomorrow Person called David is trying to contact her through them. But why can't John and Paul hear him? And where is he trapped? Elena and Paul's attempts to find him lead them to a manor house owned by the eminent historian and explorer Sir Henry Themaddon * a house that holds many secrets.

John travels to the Canary Islands to find answers to his recent problems and uncovers the existence of some ancient relics that purport to be from the ancient lost city of Atlantis. However, they have already been bought, by Sir Henry Themaddon.

Who is Themaddon? Why is he so interconnected with the lives of the Tomorrow People and is David a trap being set by an unseen threat...?

The Power of Fear

A mysterious spaceship passes over the resort town of Mayview-on-Sea. Terrible creatures stalk the promenade and lurk in the darkened corridors of a haunted house attraction.

Somebody wants to make us afraid. But it's the twenty-first century, and no one takes ghosts and monsters seriously any more. Let alone little green men from other planets. Only the Tomorrow People know the truth.

Only they know that the monsters are real - and that we should be very scared indeed.

The Curse of Kaaven

Paul and Elena are on holiday, relaxing on the peaceful shore of a vast alien lake, when chance draws them into a tale of murder, mystery & intrigue.

As they board the majestic liner of the lion-like Arberron family, there are dark forces at play. Who is the murderer? Can it really be one of the Tomorrow People? What is the secret in Elena's past? And what is the curse of the Ancient King Kaaven of the Organtic Dynasty?


In the peaceful English village of Barcombe Hill, two people are in therapy. One, Robert Mitchell, claims to hear voices and is obsessed with images of an alien world. The other, John, is convinced that he has superpowers and is dedicated to safeguarding the planet...


The Slarvian Menace

There's a new mobile phone on the market that all the cool kids want. It's sleek, sophisticated and making a killing for the mysterious Galactic Communications.

But why are people disappearing for hours on end after using the phone and why can they never remember where they've been? And why does one of Paul's college friends appear to be involved?

John, Elena and Paul decide to investigate the headquarters of Galactic Communications * what horrors will they discover lurking within the factory and who is the company really working for?

Will the Tomorrow People solve the mystery in time, or will mankind awake to the terror of the Slarvian menace?

The Warlock's Dance

In 1984, Clare Jones disappeared from Water Oakley. Her boyfriend Phil was with her at the time. Did he kill her or was she actually kidnapped by angels?

A Living Hell

TIM is concerned. Elena's deep space mission appears to have gone disastrously wrong, Paul and Sharon have gone missing and John appears to be suffering some sort of breakdown. An old enemy is nearly ready to act...


Up on the Galactic Trig, his every need being seen to by the Federated Worlds’ finest doctors and nurses, John still feels alone.

Elizabeth too is in the medical wing on the Trig, although unaware that her old friend is nearby. She too seems to be getting lots of attention. She too still feels alone.

Stephen, by the most curious of coincidences, is also in the medical wing on the Trig. And, yes, doctors… nurses… blah blah blah…

So, if the Galactic Trig is at the heart of the Federation, and is the central point for information of all areas of its work, why can’t Tim contact John? Or Elizabeth? Or Stephen? And if Tim can’t get through, what chance has Mike Bell got?
Something is rotten at the heart of the Federation, and the Tomorrow People, both old and new, are helpless. Not a state they’re used to…

Season 4.

Saying Goodbye

'Have you ever stopped to wonder what it's like to have given birth to one of you? Have you ever thought how shocking it might be to see your own daughter disapper in front of your eyes like some sort of... freak?!'

Whilst John investigates a strange religious sect which claims to have proof of an alien invasion, Elena has a vital decision to make, one which might change her life forever.

The Lords of Forever

Drawn through time to the twenty-third century, Paul and Robert discover the utopia that they have always dreamed of: a world of Tomorrow People, leading the planet Earth into an age of peace, prosperity and galactic harmony.

But there is a dark secret at the heart of paradise, a secret whose origins lie with a single act in the twenty-first century. With time literally running out, they face an agonising decision: to save John… or to stop him.

Queen of Slarvos

“When I was young, I dreamed of becoming something better than I was. I knew I wasn’t destined for mediocrity. I knew that if I set my mind to it, if I shaped my own destiny, I could avenge every put-down, every look of disdain, every patronising remark… I could wipe the smug smiles off each and every one of their faces with a single word. My will would be Law and they’d be powerless to do anything else but obey me!”

Someone is out for revenge. Whilst John tries to discover what an old enemy has stolen from Tim, Paul fights for his life on Cloud City Tnarr 4.

A Plague of Dreams

Paris is destroyed. And one of the Tomorrow People was having dinner there when the shockwave struck...

Season 5.

A Broken Song

“I know you. I’ve always known you, haven’t I? Always known this moment would come. You’ve always been there. Ever since the beginning. Am I… dying? I’m not afraid.”

In the Sahara Desert, a young man with no memory appears out of nowhere on the same night that an ancient tribe has gathered to witness "The Coming of the Light". Meanwhile, on the other side of the Universe, time is running out for Mike Bell, who is being held hostage by desperate "terrorists"…


“Yeah all right, of course I’m having doubts. That’s normal. We’ve been through something terrible.”

The song is broken.
The world has changed.
The Tomorrow People couldn’t stop it.

They’ve retreated to John’s home in Brighton. They’ve been trying to understand. They’re trying to survive.

They need to get through this one night, to make it to Tomorrow.

Spiritus Mundi

“What’s going on?”

“At this exact moment, the beginning of the end of your world.”

On the planet Erkulon, the Great Breakout never happened.

But it should have.

When Mike, Carol and Lillith investigate, they discover a dark conspiracy – to save the future, the Erkulons are tampering with their own birthright. And unless the Tomorrow People can stop it all life in the galaxy will be consumed…

Stemming the Tide

'Can't I even take a holiday without there being a crisis?!'

Robert's much-needed break on the Shetland Isles is cut short by an environmental disaster, swiftly followed by the discovery of three horrific deaths.

With the local detective determined to keep the killings quiet, a clan of islanders who seem to be arming themselves for war and sightings of a mysterious blue light on the water, the TPs have to sort out the myths from reality before someone else is brutally murdered.

End of Silence

Brother James believes he is possessed by an evil spirit. Abbot Simon believes he has the power to protect him. Robert is trying to find the source of a strange disturbance. Following her intuition, Elena finds something that was supposed to remain hidden. Is this the ancient secret that John is asking Tim to protect?

End of Silence is not just another Tomorrow People story. For some, it’s a whole new beginning…


“John and Elizabeth showed me how to embrace difference, celebrate it rather than fear or condemn it, To trust. To hope.”

Elena’s mother is dying. John and TIM’s behaviour is baffling. A shocked Robert is told the reason for it by a friend he presumed long dead.

The tomorrow people, the Galactic Federation and the planet Earth are about to go through a terrible series of events, after which none of them will ever be the same again…

Homo Superior - the next stage of human evolution. Young people with super powers, dediated to safegaurding planet Earth. From their secret laboratory deep beneath the streets of London, aided by their super-computer TIM, they watch and wait for others like themselves - and guard against threats to all mankind.They are the Tomorrow People.

Info on Posted Items

Series 1

    The New Gods by Rebecca Levene and Gareth Roberts
    April 2001, 2 episodes
    The Deadliest Species by Gary Russell
    September 2001, 3 episodes
    The Ghosts of Mendez by Austen Atkinson
    January 2002, 3 episodes
    The Sign of Diolyx by Mike Tucker and Robert Perry (two discs)
    May 2002, 3 episodes

Series 2

    A New Atlantis by Nigel Fairs
    April 2003, 3 episodes
    The Power of Fear by Steve Lyons
    June 2003, 3 episodes
    The Curse of Kaavan by Nigel Fairs
    August 2003, 3 episodes
    Alone by Nigel Fairs
    June 2004, 3 episodes

Series 3

    The Slarvian Menace by Mark Wright
    October 2004, 3 episodes
    The Warlock's Dance by Cavan Scott
    October 2004, 3 episodes
    A Living Hell by Nigel Fairs
    February 2005, 3 episodes
    Trigonometry by Gary Russell
    March 2005, 3 episodes

Series 4

    Saying Goodbye by Nigel Fairs
    August 2005, 3 episodes
    The Lords of Forever by Craig Hinton
    October 2005, 3 episodes
    Queen of Slarvos by Nigel Fairs
    January 2006, 3 episodes
    A Plague of Dreams by Jim Mortimore (two discs)
    April 2006, 6 episodes

Series 5

    A Broken Song by Nigel Fairs
    June 2006, 3 episodes
    Aftermath by Joseph Lidster
    August 2006, 1 episode
    Spiritus Mundi by Craig Hinton
    October 2006, 3 episodes
    Stemming the Tide by Helen Goldwyn
    December 2006, 3 episodes
    End of Silence by Alex Crowe
    February 2007, 3 episodes
    Rachel by Nigel Fairs
    April 2007, 2 episodes

Proposed titles for Series 6

Series six was cancelled part way through the production of Saving the World, Talking to God and Tandem. These episodes will not be released through official channels.

    Saving the World by Nigel Fairs
    Talking to God by Nigel Fairs
    War of the Slarvians by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright
    Godwin's Law By Joseph Lidster

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  • One more time.....................Thank You! And, you will hate 8! I know I do! Will have to check out that "classic" program!

    • I love it with the classic and you will too.  It completely changes your opinion of 8.  You get the best of both worlds.  Let me know what you think.after you try it.  ---------------------------------  R

  • May you be thrice thanked.   :o)

    • You are all welcome.  ---------------------  R

    • Riklaa you r the one!!!

    • You are all going to get a vacation from my incessant posting for some part of the next couple of weeks.  My computer has been acting up and C drive is starting to make bad noises, so I just ordered a new computer and it should be here late this week or early next week.  I am in the process of cleaning everything off C drive and migrating it to the 8 external drives and trying to get things together for the big event when I retire my old Computer.  She has been worked hard and she deserves the rest.  I am passing it on to someone that does mostly emails and Facebook.  I am attempting to get everything together to do this.  I am told by friends that I will hate Windows 8 and from what I have seen they are right, but I have a secret weapon.  There is a program called "Classic" Shell, a free program.  The author asks for donations and he deserves them.  This program is just what it says, a shell.  It will make windows 8 act like whatever you want XP, Windows 7, even back further.  It is a collection of all the stuff you liked and Microsoft did away with.  It will put back what you want and make any version of Windows pretty much act like another that you want it to or a combination of your favorite features and keep the good stuff in Windows 8, just not showing the crap.  I have been using it on Windows 7 and it is a beautiful program.  Check on Youtube and see what it does to the sucky OS in Windows 8.   I should be back to normal posting within 2 weeks.  I will be around but not as active.  ----------------------------  R

    • Good luck and GREAT to hear on the "shell" program!

      I still have windows XP and have heard nightmares about 8.

  • This is extremely generous Rick. I was sitting on the sidelines hoping for at least one episode,and here you give us everything. A huge thank you from this big fan of The Tomorrow People:))


    Thank you very much, Rik! :)

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