Two years after the original television series drew to a close, John Steed and Emma Peel returned to find a new audience in an unexpected locale – South Africa – played by expatriate British actors Donald Monat and Diane Appleby. By arrangement with EMI in the United Kingdom, The Avengers was adapted from the original television scripts and recorded at Sonovision Studios in Johannesburg. In a departure from the self-contained format of its source material, The Avengers radio series called for each script to be re-written as a serial of five, six or seven fifteen-minute episodes. These would be broadcast on Monday to Friday evenings in prime-time between 7.15 and 7.30pm on Springbok Radio, an English-language service of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC). The timeslot that The Avengers occupied was sponsored by the detergent manufacturer, Lever Brothers, and it is thought that the concept to bring the series to the airwaves may well have originated from within their advertising agency. It was not uncommon for sponsors to dictate what programmes were to be produced, based upon what they believed would be beneficial for their products to be associated with. Quite why the washing powder, Cold Water Omo and The Avengers were seen as a match made in heaven is anyone's guess, but this didn't stop each episode being introduced with the announcement, "And now... from the makers of Cold Water Omo..."!
Ok, here we go. I used mostly Coverpictures from "Steed and Mrs Peel" from Boom Studios.
One of my FAVE OTR's ever!! ;-)
Great to see this activity on the SA section
I made some tag-covers for all 19 Adventures. Anyone needing them?
Sounds great - thanks
Thanks Kurt, that site revealed that there are 7 episodes so I have the correct number- that is a start
"The Fantasy Game"
7 x 15-minute episodes
based on the television episode
Honey for the Prince,
written by Brian Clemens
Donald Monat as John Steed
Diane Appleby as Emma Peel
Hugh Rouse as The Narrator
Adapted and directed by
Tony Jay
Produced by David Gooden
Transmission Dates (7.15-7.30pm):
Episode 1 - Tuesday 28 March 1972
Episode 2 - Wednesday 29 March 1972
Episode 3 - Thursday 30 March 1972
Episode 4 - Friday 31 March 1972
Episode 5 - Monday 3 April 1972
Episode 6 - Tuesday 4 April 1972
Episode 7 - Wednesday 5 April 1972
Check the red "announcement" band at the top of the page that has a link to the Avengers Declassified section with the updates. I got the impression there are 9 now (although I haven't counted).
I have alot of these in HQ- uploading now to the "uploads" OTR Collections section.
"The Fantasy Game" uploaded in HQ now