ZBS - A Streetcar Named "Le Petit Lafitte"

A Streetcar Named "Le Petit Lafitte"

The adventures of Little Louie Lafitte, the smallest pirate New Orleans has ever known. One of these stories appeared in the Jack Flanders adventure "Do That in Real Life?" We've added three new stories. "Le Petit Lafitte" is an old abandoned street car that Little Louie comes upon in a cemetery. Curious, he steps inside and discovers the seats are occupied with skeletons wearing eye patches and bandannas. Suddenly, they all open their jaws and emit a hair-raising "Harr Harr Harr!" Well, Little Louie, being a direct decendent of the famous Pirates Lafitte, realizes these gleeful skeletons are itching for a good, devilish, adventure. And so, on fog shrouded nights, the ghostly street car may appear out of the mist to pick up bleary eyed revelers and unsuspecting tourists. Of course, the locals know better than to step aboard "Le Petit Lafitte," not unless they want the ride of their life! Good for children of all Ages, from 8 to 80 and anywhere in-between.

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