
  • We Can Remember It For You Wholesale (Total Recall)
    Philip K. Dick

    The 1966 short story behind the movie `Total Recall` by sci-fi master Philip K Dick - Read by William Hootkins

    Buried memories and false memories - classic Dick themes - feature in this tale of a man who dreams of going to Mars and then discovers that he's actually been to the planet as part of a sinister government mission.

    Part 1:
    Hidden beneath false memories a disturbing truth is revealed.

    Part 2:
    Philip K Dick's sci-fi classic concludes. Does a childhood fantasy hold the key to the human race's survival?

    We Can Remember It for You Wholesale - 1 of 2.mp3

    We Can Remember It for You Wholesale - 2 of 2.mp3

    • Thank you very much. I knew I had seen this online somewhere but I couldnt remember where
    • You're welcome!
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