Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic
by Meghan Ciana Doidge

Narrated by: Caitlin Davies
Series: The Dowser, Book 3
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I hadn't set foot in the human world for more than a few hours in over three and a half months. Sure, I was stronger and faster than I'd ever been before, and I had a shiny new sword, but I was seriously chocolate deprived. I don't recommend quitting cold turkey. And the new sword was a problem - to my mind, anyway. It represented all the expectations of a powerful father and a new otherworldly life. A life that wasn't the one I'd worked so hard to build. It also represented the responsibility I had to bring my foster sister Sienna to...what? Justice? I didn't know if that was even possible. What I did know was that Sienna wouldn't stop, and that I couldn't just leave everything up to fate and destiny...or maybe I was. Maybe I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing. If you believed in that sort of thing.

I just hoped that before the chaos and mayhem renewed, I'd manage to get my hands on some chocolate. It didn't even have to be single-origin Madagascar. I was utterly prepared to lower my standards.

Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic LINK

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  • Thanks Rick!

  • Thanks Rick, another one on my wish list

    I Hope to buy the first Two volumes in April and will pass them on once I have them



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