THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE (Spoken Arts) - (50:32) (192 kbps)

Spoken Arts produced a series of superb renditions of several classic novels. I was only concerned with the horror genre, those are the only ones I listened to. The company is, unfortunately, defunct, and there is virtually zero information about them to be found. Quite frankly, I don't even know when these stories were made...though I'm guessing the late 60's or early 70's.  If anyone has any more of these please post them.!595&authkey=z8myIYYL0uY%24

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  • As I posted in your other thread:


    Spoken Arts Productions was created in the mid 1960's in New Rochelle, NY by Arthur Klein. (Kline?). They produced records and tapes for use in high school classes. Their main focus was poetry, which is how I know them.


    I have never seen a catalog or an online log but I believe the collection is now owned by Yale University which may have some info.

    • Yes it does but it will not be released by them.  The person I got them from stated that he tried to get them from them.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Rick
    • Your source may not have my connections. I went to grad school with one of the senior librarians. :>)


      I don't expect to get the recordings. I'll settle for the catalog. I suspect that the recordings may be stacked in the dusty corners of many school libraries.

    • Found 2 more, on the scifi end of things, will post when I get them arranged.  -------------------------------------------  Rick
    • Thank you very much!
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