The Haunting of Hill House read by David Warner

Four people have come to the ugly, abandoned old mansion: Dr. Montague, an occult scholar looking for solid evidence of the psychic phenomenon called haunting; Theodara, his lovely and lighthearted assistant; Eleanor, the lonely, homeless girl well acquainted with poltergeists; and Luke, the adventurous future heir of Hill House. At first, their stay seems destined to be merely a spooky encounter with inexplicable noises and self-closing doors, but Hill House is gathering its powers and will soon choose one of them to make its own...

Thanks to Demonoid serial audiobook uploader Peterg23 for this.

It's split into 8 mp3s and just over 6 hours in length. I zipped up the files for easier downloading. The zip is about 125MB.

Shirley Jackson The Haunting of Hill House (David Warner)

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  • Nope, I've tried every link on the site but it keeps circling me back to a page that wants me to pay for a Premium account.  Too confusing for this luddite; I shall have to do without.  Thanks anyway, though.

    • Sorry MadBlonde - my mistake for not pointing this out.

      Whether or not you need a 4shared account to download from other 4Shared accounts is something I just checked myself. When I set up the account you didn't need to be a member. But now you do it seems. From the FAQ:

      "Your files can be shared only with verified 4shared users."

      Did you sign up MadBlonde or would you prefer it if I uploaded it somewhere for which you don't need an account?

      Again my apologies for not pointing it out.

    • Well now, that was remarkably easy.  They require nothing more than email & pw, so I am now a 4Share member & may download the files as is.  Thanks again for your kind offer; it was above & beyond, & much appreciated.  -Karen

    • You are such a dear, thank you for the offer.  If there is a FREE membership option, I think it would be most reasonable for me to pursue that, though it will depend what kind of information they request (some things I just don't give out anymore).  Let me check that first & try to make use of the files you have already so generously shared.  If that's not an option, I am loathe to put you to the trouble of reloading this somewhere but of course I would love to have it, so...  How much of a PITA would that be for you?

    • I'd never put files like this on a web site where potential downloaders, eg yourself, have to pay. No way Jose.

      You can get a free account with 4Shared. My account itself is the free type.

      A number of Times Past members also use the otrplus forum where we share files using services like 4Shared. I've had my account since before Times past had to change the file size of uploads from 100MB to 7MB.

      I don't know for sure as I've not tried it but I've been told there's a way around getting a 4Shared account but still downloading. Some people have said that they just fill in anything for the username and password and find they can still download. Like I said I've never tried it myself so I can't comment on that.

      Anyway it doesn't matter now, at least in this case - hopefully. I'm uploading the audiobook to my old Sendspace account for you. I'm just hoping that an account isn't needed.

      The zip file will be titled I've heard of people with Sendspace accounts having their files removed. Maybe abbreviation might help in that.

      Well I've typed long enough that it's finished uploading. I've had a quick look at the FAQ and I don't think you need an account. Here's the link.


      Looks like I should of read your second post from today before answering! Oh well. I'll leave it on Sendspace for others.

      Karen the next link gets you to the first level of my 4Shared account from where you can see everything on there. The best thing to do is subscribe to my account.

      JakeTucker 4Shared

    • a very wise idea, thank you again! :-)

  • OK, am I doing it wrong or do you have to create a 4shared account to download, please?

  • Thanks fellow TPers. Hope you enjoy it.

  • Thank you Jake.

  • Sounds good!!

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