The Cat Who... is a novel series of murder mystery novels by Lilian Jackson Braun. This series is called the "Cat Who..." series because each book title in this series begins with the words "The Cat Who. . .".
"Cat Who..." books feature a reporter named James Qwilleran and his Siamese cats Kao K'o-Kung, Koko for short, and Yum-Yum. The first book in the series was written in 1966, with two more following in 1967 and 1968. Eighteen years passed until Jackson Braun published the next book in the series, and through 2007 a new "Cat Who..." title was published with some regularity.
P.S. I have the numbering slightly off, I have "The Cat Who Had 14 Tails" as book 7.The Cat Who Had 14 Tales, 1988 (ISBN 0-515-09497-8): an anthology of unrelated short stories involving various cats. Note that Qwilleran, Koko and Yum Yum DO NOT appear in these tales. It should be separate from the rest. This error causes the numbering of the files to be out of sync with the actual book #. My Apologies, Fivecard
01 The Cat Who Could Read Backward
02 The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern
03 The Cat Who Turned On and Off
06 The Cat Who Played Post Office
08 The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare
10 The Cat Who Went Underground
11 The Cat Who Talked To Ghosts
13 The Cat Who Knew A Cardinal
14 The Cat Who Moved A Mountain
Finally, The rest of the books
16 The Cat Who Went Into The Closet
17 The Cat Who Came To Breakfast
18 The Cat Who Blew The Whistle
21 The Cat Who Sang For The Birds
25 The Cat Who Went Up The Creek
26 The Cat Who Brought Down The House
29 The Cat Who Had 60 Whiskers
Let me know if there are any problems
If they Upload Properly this are the complete epubs to this entire series. The numbering is different due to my including "The Cat Who Had 14 Tales" as one of the series in the audiobook list.
Braun, Lilian Jackson Epub Books
Braun, Lilian Jackson Epub Books 16- 29 Plus
A list of the Books and A short Summary of each, Thanks to kg mick
VERY nice work! As one who organizes and uploads large file sets, I can appreciate the work and time involved.
Thank you.
Thanks for sharing. A neat series of books.
Me too, Thank You To You Woo Hoo. I'm a poet and don't know it.LOL ------------------------ R
Thank you for working so hard to get these up.
Updated 11-23-13
Again, many thanks for your efforts!
Thank you for all of these wonderful books. This has made my day!
Thanks Man I love it. ------------------------- R