Ross MacDonald's Sleeping Beauty KCRW presentation

I have placed this post in this group  because Anson Roberts put the companion production The Zebra Striped Hearse in this group. Both are far closer to full cast productions (and BBC would be well served if it adopted the technique used far more often instead of butchering novels in the name of turning them into radio dramas.)


At any rate, Sleeping Beauty was the firs Lew Archer novel (homage to Hammett) produced thoigh the last or next to last written. The Zebra Striped Hearse was writtn some 20 years earlier - around 1953.


MacDonald is not a favourite of mine but these productions are excellent. Link Below



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  • Thanks Reuben. Good Stuff

    Robert Johnson

    • Your Very Welcome. Wish KCRW had done more Lew Archer mysteries.

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