Roger Zelazny - Amber Chronicles

I just love these. Will add them all when I get the time but here's the first book 01 Nine Princes in Amber. The recording quality varies throughout from poor to almost acceptable unfortunately. But if you love them like I do you'll persevere.

At the beginning of this book, Corwin, an immortal prince of Amber, wakes up in a hospital bed without his memory. He slowly figures things out – who he is, where he is, and most interesting, who’s on his side and who isn’t. As he goes through this process, so does the listener, discovering the world through Corwin’s eyes.

But Corwin is not just human. He’s a member of the royal family of Amber, which is the only true world there is. All other worlds in the universe, including the one in which you and I sit, are but shadows of Amber. One gets to Amber only if one remembers exactly what Amber looks like, and if one has the power to subtly change the environment until it matches the one true world.

The royal family of Amber is dysfunctional, to say the least. Corwin has many brothers, among them Eric, Random, Bleys, and Caine. They all want the throne, and some are willing to kill for it. As Corwin becomes more aware, he too faces that decision – how far is he willing to go to gain the throne himself?

Sunset Productions 1998 6 hours unabridged
Read by the author himself in a very laid back style.

Link to Nine Princes in Amber

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  • 2473768499?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    Nine Princes In Amber

    (Audible Frontiers)

    read by Alessandro Juliani


    New release 2013 from Audible Frontiers, book I " Nine Princes In Amber" unabridged.  Not read bu the author but excellent clarity. I also have book 10, "Prince of Chaos" if anyone is interested in me posting it here.  ---------  R

    Nine Princes in Amber is the first of the 10 books that are The Chronicles of Amber; an epic fantasy series written by six-time Hugo Award winning and three-time Nebula Award winning author, Roger Zelazny.

    The ten books that make up the series are told in two story arcs: The Corwin Cycle and the Merlin Cycle.

    The Audible audio rendition of this classic sci-fi/fantasy series is kicked off by 2012 Audie Award nominee, Alessandro Juliani, who reads the first five books that make up the Corwin Cycle and whose narration vividly brings the world of Amber to life.

    Amber is the one real world, of which all others including our own Earth are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin's blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne.

    From Arden to the Pattern deep in Castle Amber which defines the very structure of Reality, Corwin must contend with the powers of his eight immortal brothers, all Princes of Amber. His savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering Forces that challenge the might of Corwin's superhuman fury.

        Audible Audio Edition
        Listening Length: 5 hours and 31 minutes
        Program Type: Audiobook
        Version: Unabridged
        Publisher: Audible Frontiers Release Date: July 31, 2012

    Nine Princes In Amber LINK

    • Thanks - nice to have a better quality version.

      Nice to have it read by the author too though.

    • Too bad we couldn't have all our eggs in one basket, but I guess that's the way it is.  It's too bad that the one read by the author isn't better quality.  I prefer the author read but I am  somewhat hearing impaired.  That is my souvenir from standing right in front of the 2 story tall speakers at Woodstock back in the 1960s, but I will always remember those guitar riffs from Hendrix.  My misspent youth, but I wouldn't take back a second even if I could.  ------------------------  R

    • Hey - you were there! It was just legend to me...

    • I was there, yes, I can still remember it like it was yesterday.  I am glad that I was there and lived in that instant of time.  Now I just hope that if I get Alzheimers that will be the moment in time my mind will get stuck in. LOL 

      I could tell you stories.  My best friend, now gone was a Roadie for Janis Joplin, yes Bobby whose last name was phonetically identical to McGee and would have fit in the song seamlessly.  He passed away last year and up until his death he would always shed a tear every time he heard that song.  He would never say for sure but I know that he was the Bobby in the song.  Enough reminiscing, that makes me tear up.  --------------------------  R

    • Think I ought to say "Peace man! " :)

    • Peace, Love, Dove.  It's really far out man and I know you are just dying to ask.  The answer is, yes I did have hair down to my ass, wore an old Army Jacket, work boots and a red white and blue T-shirt with a target on the back that said "They shoot Students don't they".  I drove a little VW bug with peace symbols all over it and was hassled by the fuzz many times for just having long hair and dressing like that.  ----------------------  R

      PS: I am 65 Y/O and I still have a short pony tail and a long white beard.  Yes, I have been mistaken for Santa Claus.

    • Rick, you make me feel young

      I'm 56 but feel 90 some days!

      The 70's and the british rock n roll revival was more my era

      Thanks for the post - my author reading of this is poor quality



    • Thank you for your service...


    • You too Captain!  -------------------------------  R

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