Grant Archer, a young astrophysicist and recently-married man dreams of exploring collapsing stars, in hope that one day he would be able to find a way in creating wormholes, to create instantaneous transportation. However, upon graduating he finds out that he must go to Jupiter on a four-year public service, enforced by the ultraconservative religious organization the "New Morality". His orders are to spy on the scientists of the space station "Gold"; where it is believed, and feared that they have found new living species living in a liquid ocean, deep below Jupiter's clouds. As Archer's anger and frustration wears off, he soon finds himself befriending the crew, and drawn to stations super-secret project; a select few wearing bioimplants in their legs, and a mysterious spacecraft attached to the space station.
Again I thank you. Ben Bova has always been good reading. --------------------------------- R
Thank you!