Indigo Slam an Elvis Cole Novel by Robert Crais

Indigo Slam (Elvis Cole/Joe Pike Series)

When a 15-year-old girl shows up to plead with Elvis to find her errant father, his first impulse is to hand the case over to Social Services. But he sees how hard the kid is working to keep her two siblings together and afloat. The father sounds like an angel; the case should be a cinch. But as Elvis investigates, he finds the dad seems to be a mover in the criminal underworld who is on the verge of a grand scheme. Could this be the right guy? As Elvis and sidekick Joe Pike try their hand at babysitting, events are set in motion that will pit them against a scary group of counterfeiters - and the even scarier U.S. Marshals.

Abridged edition link

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  • Thanks, Jimmy. An enjoyable book.  FYI there is no prison on Mercer Island (Seattle Area).  We had a state prison on McNeil Island, in Puget Sound near Tacoma, but it was closed, after 135 years.  Mike

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