Hank the Cowdog

Hank the Cowdog is a series of humorous children's mystery novels, written by John R. Erickson and illustrated by Gerald L. Holmes. The series began in 1982 with a couple of short stories about the proud but bumbling Hank, the self-styled "Head of Ranch Security". Over 52 books have since been written featuring Hank, his timid sidekick Drover, his sworn enemy Pete the Barncat, and their adventures on the M-Cross ranch in the northern Texas Panhandle. Every book in the series has been recorded in an audio book format, making it the longest-running popular children's audio book series. The books all include songs sung by Hank and other characters; these songs are all performed on the tapes by Erickson. It has received various awards and acclaims, lauded by Publishers Weekly and USA Today.

The Hank the Cowdog books are supported by various libraries and teaching programs, and related lesson plans, which usually incorporate the books with cassette tapes, are available through Maverick Books (the series' original publisher). The first six books have been translated into Spanish by the Argentine publisher Editorial Sudamericana. Series of his books are also translated into Persian and are popular in Iran.

I know this technically belongs in Just for Kids, but I just can't bring myself to limit it to just kids...It's good fun for everyone :-)

Link to list of Characters (too long to post)


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  • Volume 3
    3 Files (Zipped with 7zip)

    It's A Dog's Life

    Hank hitches a ride into town to visit his sister, Maggie, who never really took to ranch life. Maggie doesn't like swimming in the sewer, chewing on old bones, or digging in the mud. So, it's up to Uncle Hank to teach Maggie's four pups the basics of their cowdog heritage, beginning with Garbage Patrol.


    Volume 3 CD 1 Hank the Cowdog - It's A Dog's Life-.zip

    Volume 3 CD 2 Hank the Cowdog - It's A Dog's Life-.zip

    Volume 3 CD 3 Hank the Cowdog - It's A Dog's Life-.zip

  • Volume 2
    3 Files (Zipped with 7zip)

    The Further Adventures of Hank the Cowdog

    Hank has been stricken with a terrible case of "Eye-Crosserosis"! Unless he can find a cure for this dangerous condition, his position as Head of Ranch Security is at stake. Only the mysterious Madame Moonshine may be able to help him -- but to reach her, Hank must endure a perilous journey from which few have returned alive! (Barnes and Noble)


    Volume 2 CD 1 Hank the Cowdog - The Further Adventures of Hank the ...

    Volume 2 CD 2 Hank the Cowdog - The Further Adventures of Hank the ...

    Volume 2 CD 3 Hank the Cowdog - The Further Adventures of Hank the...

  • n189651.jpg

    Volume 1
    3 zip files (zipped with IZarc)

    The Original Adventures of Hank the Cowdog


    The setting is in the panhandle of Texas probably during the 1980s when the book was written. It starts off with Drover, Hank's assistant, coming to him and waking him up saying there's been a murder. They find a dead chicken and Hank says it was a 'raccoon' who did it, and he says he knows where it is. But the thing he finds in a bush is a porcupine, and later the local barncat, Pete, teases Hank for having quills in his nose. Later that day around dark, Hank assigns Drover to watch the chicken house while Hank goes on patrol. A couple hours later, Drover starts yelling there's a monster, Hank comes running and attacks the 'monster' which turns out to be a cow. The next day Hank and Drover sneak a trip on the back of a truck to town. In town the two dogs anger Bruno, a large boxer. The next day back at the ranch they find another murdered chicken, and Hank can't resist and he eats it. He wakes up and finds that he is in pile of feathers, and Sally May finds him and thinks that he is the murderer. High Loper then ties the chicken's head around Hanks neck. Hank then realizes that he has to leave the ranch. He heads out and meets two turkey vultures, Wallace and Junior, in the end he gives them the chicken's head and they fight over it, but in the end a hawk swoops down and grabs it. The next day Hank finds a female coyote named Girl-Who-Drinks-Blood (who he calls Missy), they become good friends but then Missy's family shows up. And the next thing Hank knows, Missy is his fiancée. Her brother Scraunch has met Hank on the field of battle before. He and Hank are now worst enemies. Hank becomes good friends with the two coyote brothers named Rip and Snort. After a long time with the coyotes, Scraunch decides that if Hank wants to prove himself to the coyote tribe and marry Missy, he must join in for a raid on the ranch. So Scraunch, Rip, Snort, and Hank along with other coyotes raid the ranch. But Drover, during the middle of the raid, convinces Hank that what he is doing is wrong. So Hank turns on them, and in the end Scraunch is about to kill Hank when a gun goes off. The coyotes then run off. It ends with Hank being back on ranch as Head of Ranch Security.

    Volume 1 CD 1 Hank the Cowdog -The Original Adventures of Hank the ...

    Volume 1 CD 2 Hank the Cowdog -The Original Adventures of Hank the ...

    Volume 1 CD 3 Hank the Cowdog -The Original Adventures of Hank the ...

    • Hi Fivecard,
      Thank You so much, These are great. I do have kids, but my youngest is 40. LOL. I will enjoy these because, after all, I am just a big Kid. ------------------ Rick
    • Some of the tracks didn't rip right so if you stumble across a story that is incomplete or poor quality, let me know..

      RE: Rick, I love them, they are great non-thinking fun. Hope you enjoy
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