Jacques Vallee - Fastwalker (audiobook)
Narrated by George DelHoyo
San Bruno, California: Alternative Audio, 1997
Duration: 02:54:02
Bit rate: 128kbps mp3
Size: 318mb
General Bushnell, head of the top secret government agency Alintel, is willing to use any means necessary to get his own flying saucer. Peter Keller eagerly follows every lead in hopes of solving the mystery of UFOs. Meanwhile, alien abductee Rachel Rand simply seeks the truth. But the one man who has some answers is a faceless mastermind known as Vulcan.
Jacques Vallee - Paranet - 17-Mar-1996 - Fastwalker
Duration: 0:30:39
Bit rate: 16kbps
Size: 3.50mb
A discussion about Fastwalker between Jacques Vallee and Michael Corbin.
Analysis by Jack Sarfatti of the real UFO physics implied in Fastwalker.pdf
Reviewers' comments:
FastWalker introduces a technology that is utilized by the intelligence community to duplicate the effects of real UFOs to assist in their ongoing program of deception and manipulation of society. There are many, many other surprises in FastWalker. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants a change of pace …
Michael Corbin
Continuum Vol.V no.2 - Winter 1995-96
Wonderfully amazing … "FastWalker" is the term the defense people use to classify those odd craft that occasionally are picked up by spy satellites. It's used in this book to describe a very strange object brought down by the government. Or did the aliens let the thing be captured? And are they really aliens from another planet?
Chuck Shramek
Houston Sky, May 1996
An Air Force pilot has died in a strange accident over Dreamland, a secret base in Nevada. The President of the United States has not yet been briefed. Scientists from all over the world are being assembled inside Pyramid Base. The Manipulator is General Bushnell, head of a secret organization which has been trying to capture a flying saucer since the early days of the UFO mystery. Suave but utterly ruthless this cold warrior has every tool of high-tech wizardry at his fingertips and a crack team of skilled operatives under his control. The investigator is Peter Keller, a dedicated journalist with a lot to prove, struggling to keep his integrity in the sensational atmosphere of tabloid media. A flawed but gusty professional, he's ready to travel to the ends of the Earth to solve the mystery of UFO abductions. The victim is Rachel Rand, a young woman caught between the nightmarish alien beings who stalked her on a lonely Long Island road and a bizarre cult of UFO believers who are convinced that the end of the world is imminent. Can she trust the man she loves to help her discover the truth about her tormentors?
Now an unearthly craft has been secretly captured by the scientific team of General Bushnell. What it contains can indeed spell the end of human history as we know it. But are human beings ready for that knowledge? And who will control it?
First three pages of 'Analysis by Jack Sarfatti of the real UFO physics implied in Fastwalker':
I met Jacques Vallee in 1975 or so. He was on the periphery of the Physics Consciousness Research Group working with Ira Einhorni and came to several of our gatherings. Saul-Paul Sirag and I took him to Francis Ford Coppola’s house in 1976 with Uri Geller. That’s how Jacques connected with Stephen Spielberg and became the
technical consultant to “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” The character Francois Truffaut plays in the film is based on Vallee. Truffaut was working with another late friend of mine Jean Reisser Nadal. Some of that story is in “Destiny Matrix.” Vallee’s sci-fi novel “Fastwalker” with Mel Torme’s son, Tracy (of TV sci-fi “Sliders” on parallel universes) is based on “fact” very much like Esalen founder, Michael Murphy’s novel about the Russian Psi Movement in the Cold War “An End to Ordinary History” is not really pure fiction. I lived in the apartment on Telegraph Hill on 2 Whiting Place that Michael describes as Jacob Atabet’s abode. “Atabet” is obvious code for Qabalistic “Aleph-Bayt” alphabet soup. (Grin). Michael lived there before me and I got the place from him. Vallee and Torme describe the same kinds of phenomena in their novel that Eric Davis lists in his MUFON 2001 paper. Vallee today is a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley who publicly claims he no longer does UFO research yet he, until recently at least, advised Las Vegas Real Estate Tycoon Robert Bigelow on the subject in Bigelow’s NIDS project where Eric Davis had been working when he wrote the MUFON 2001 paper. Vallee continues to attend select meetings on UFOs and has been less than candid here. Here are some tantalizing snippets from the “novel” with my comments. Thanks to Robert Jones of the Caffe Trieste Irregulars who did the background research for me here on Vallee’s essentially factual report thinly disguised as “science-fiction.”
MK-ULTRA at Cornell?
“MK-ULTRA had been approved by Allen Dulles … on April 13, 1953…” P. 50
“They signed up Cornell ….” P. 50
I arrived at Cornell at age 17 on full scholarship arranged by Walter Breen who was working on a gifted children project under Professor William Sheldon of Columbia
University Psychology Department financed by Eugene Mc Dermott, a co-founder of Texas Instruments, with strong ties to US Intelligence from WWII. Phil Morrison, one of
the founders of SETI was my advisor.
“As early as April 9, 1952 you will find a memo that suggested looking at the influence of drugs on human paranormal abilities.” P. 52
Puharich in the Army working on psychedelics in early 50’s Dr. Andrija Puharich did that work for the Army at that time. I later met Puharich in 1974 during my involvement with Uri Geller as told by Martin Gardner in “Magic and Paraphysics”, in “The Star Gate Conspiracy” by Picknett and Prince and in “Destiny Matrix.” Walter Breen attempted to induce paranormal powers in us kids (1954 – 56), although no drugs were used. Agents allegedly from New Mexico who I met monitored his project. I also met CIA Chief of Station Harold Chipman in mid 80’s who was very much part of this project. Chipman wrote some of the episodes in the TV series “The Enforcer” based on his CIA career. He also wrote a treatment for a screen play “The Union” about a rogue CIA group like Vallee’s “Alintel” using remote viewing against the Soviets. He was an important part of MK ULTRA going back to the fifties and had a hand in the SRI remote-viewing (RV) project of Puthoff and Targ with astronaut Edgar
Mitchell and Brendan O Regan. Police Commissioner Pat Price was a close associate of “Chip’s” and Price was a “star” of the RV project along with Uri Geller and Ingo Swann. Puthoff was not aware of Chipman’s role in what he was doing at the time.
Alien Intelligence
“Alintel … Alien Intelligence … Who would form a unit like that? … A president … designed Alintel as a black project: No records, no traces, no bureaucratic trails … The UFO phenomenon has turned out to be far more complex than anyone had dreamed.”
“So you believe it’s real?”
“Oh we knew that from the start …” P. 86
“We’re a rogue element … Newcomers are being brought in- military men, scientific types. It’s a shift in long-standing policy … The phone rang at the CIA, in the office of James O’ Grady, Ph.D., a thirty-five-year-old scientist who had been assigned the task of looking after all the bizarre, undocumented and unwanted data … he was assigned the job of ‘Keeper of the Weird’…” Pp.89 – 90
“How did your big stick impress the Soviets …?”
“Alintel showed them how the UFO material could be a source of immense energy, and could make the balance of power go tilt.” P. 92
Gorby caves in?
“We think the Kremlin shift in policy towards America had something to do with the captured UFO hardware…” P.93
“He recited the Mission’s purpose … To enhance the credibility of the extraterrestrial threat … to discredit those who might guess that we do not have ultimate control over the UFO situation; and to flush out any competition that might interfere with our action from within the Intelligence community. … Academia is a control system, too, but it’s a closed one, and the rules are extremely strict. Their margin is nil. … The UFO phenomenon must be a part of Nature … Yes, but it is controlled by a non-human form of consciousness. Ergo, the study of it doesn’t belong in science at all, it belongs in Intelligence. Meaning counter-espionage” P. 97
“The Air Force had initiated a massive study. A huge budget for the time. It was entrusted to the Battelle Memorial Institute. Then in 1953 … the CIA organized a
panel.” P. 109
“We were a small part of a very big project that went all the way back to the fifties, when the military was collecting and analyzing foreign technology data.” P. 131.
Alluding to Dan Smith’s, Laurance Rockefeller’s and Robert Bigelow’s funding of UFO projects:
“What matters is that influential people … folks with mansions and private jet helicopters … and billion dollar stock portfolios – now realize that the phenomenon …
impinges on their business on their ability to manage the planet …” P. 144
“What the believers perceive as the Eschaton is really a planetary transition. That’s what we need to manage. … We’re making a transition from being monkey-people to
something else. That’s the real message. We’re managing an Apocalypse.” P.147
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