Dick Barton: The Mystery Of The Missing Formula

Dick Barton: The Mystery Of The Missing Formula
Mike Dorrell Audio Book

Mike Dorrell
Toby Stephens, Full Cast
Running Time: 2hrs 30min
MP3 (256 kbps) Release Date: 3/1/10

Where has George Cameron disappeared to? What deadly formula has he discovered? Why is his daughter Lucy in such terrible danger? And why was the meek chemist Tibbs so ruthlessly killed? The fate of the country lies in the hands of one man... Dick Barton – Special Agent!

Captain Richard Barton, late of the Commandos, made his radio debut on the ‘Light Programme’ in 1946 and quickly went on to become Britain’s most popular hero. For years the nation tuned in to hear the famous signature tune, ‘Devil’s Gallop’, herald another cliff-hanging adventure for the smooth, crime-busting Barton and his friends Snowey and Jock. The radio serials proved so popular that a series of novels were written featuring Dick Barton. In this one, read by ‘Jane Eyre’ and ‘Robin Hood’ star Toby Stephens, a vanishing scientist heralds the start of a complex and dangerous case.

As in many new Audio Books it is difficult to tell where the Narrator stops and The Full Cast begins and vice versa.  This is one of those Mysteries you can unravel while listening. Oh yes, there are Vintage Dick Barton Radio Plays in The Adventure Group also for your enjoyment.

Dick Barton: The Mystery Of The Missing Formula LINK

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  • Thank you.....Thank you very much. He said with quiver of his upper lip.................Larry

    • There is a bunch of those I bought from Audio Go.  They are highly reminiscent of Vintage radio.  ---------------  R

  • Thanks again, Rick.

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