Just a note: Neil Gaiman, a marvelous reader in addition to being a writer of marvels, read "A Christmas Carol" at the NY Public Library last year.
In the introduction, he went over the differences between reading straight from a text and abridging it for performance. He had the opportunity to work from Dickens' own reading script, housed in the library's rare book collection. This has Mr. Dickens' own slashes through his excess verbiage, as well as his marginal notes on where to punch it up or to pause for effect.
Lovely ! Thank you !
joyeux noel to all the roberts's's's's
Just a note: Neil Gaiman, a marvelous reader in addition to being a writer of marvels,
read "A Christmas Carol" at the NY Public Library last year.
In the introduction, he went over the differences between reading straight from a text
and abridging it for performance. He had the opportunity to work from Dickens' own
reading script, housed in the library's rare book collection. This has Mr. Dickens' own
slashes through his excess verbiage, as well as his marginal notes on where to punch it up
or to pause for effect.
Mr. Gaiman performed in costume and even grew a scraggly beard for authenticity.
God bless us, everyone!
(Tiny) Tim Szeliga
That's rather wonderful! Thanks for the link. Is it possible to download the podcast, do you know?
Try this link in any podcatcher or go to iTunes if you prefer:
Perfect! Thanks, Bob.
And thanks again, Tim.
The Compliments of the Season to all!
I've created a whole new thread for the NYPL podcasts. The entire series (including BOTH Gaiman pieces) is available there.
Chrome has a free app that added a download button to the usual SoundCloud panel.
Don't know if it works every time, but I did get the Gaiman file.
That will get you the _current_ offering, but not the podcast itself.
I come late to this one, but I'm none the less grateful, Bob. Thank you!