Where did Dr. Science come from?
Dr. Science first arrived on the science scene in 1985. Rumor has it that he grew up in the vast cornfields of Iowa but details on this and other questions of origin are sketchy.
Dr. Science, is America's foremost authoritarian on the world around us. Or at least the world around him. "There is a thin line between ignorance and arrogance," he says, "and only I have managed to erase that line."
How does Dr. Science know the secrets of the universe? He has a Masters Degree ... in Science!
So herewith............ the wit and whiz-dumb of Dr. Science as once heard on NPR Radio.
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Thanks James.
You're welcome!
Just notices these, glad I got them before they had a chance to get away! Thank you!
You're welcome Larry!
2) Are There Pink Elephants
3) Are Vegetables Masochistic
4) Baby Oil
5) Biosphere
6) Blue Versus Orange Flames
7) Boys' Bikes
8) Caffeine Addiction
9) Captain Crunch
10) Car Speed
11) Care-Free Gum
12) Cart Sort
13) Charging Your Battery with V I S A
14) Chewing Aluminum Foil
15) Chopin Surprise
16) Cloning
17) Computer Camping
18) Creating Life with Jello
19) Dead Dogs and Humour
20) Decaffinated Coffee
21) Different Shoes
22) Do Birds Have Laps
23) Do Drugs Feel Pain When Abused
24) Do Helicopters Eat Their Young
25) Excuse My French
26) Fairy Tale Beliefs
27) Foil in Microwave
28) Garlic
29) Grad Students
30) Grapes, Grapefruit and Grape Nuts
31) Hair in Foam Rubber
32) High Tension Powerlines
33) Houndsteeth Versus Whistles
34) How Can I Have Baited Breath
35) How Many Kinds of Ants Are There
36) How Much Is a Simoleon
37) How Photocopiers Enlarge
38) How Plants Grow
39) Humans & Banana Slugs Only Animals That Sweat
40) Impressionist & Expressionist
41) Invention of the Bra
42) Is Bologna Different from Vinyl
43) Is Gravity Polarized
44) Long Words
45) Looking Through Telescopes Backwards
46) Love Is in Our Noses
47) Lowest Form of Life
48) Making a Living off Questions
49) Making a Thinktank
50) Matter and Antimatter
Ask Dr Science 1 - 50.zip
52) Nature's Perfect Food
53) Naval Oranges
54) Nit Picking
55) No Screens in San Francisco
56) Number of Angels on the Head of a Pin
57) Parsecs
58) Plural of Sarcophagus
59) Presidential Ambitions
60) Right and Left Winged Gorillas
61) Science Fairs
62) Shrinking Cotton
63) Silent C
64) Smart Bombs' Last Thoughts
65) Soda Secrets
66) Speed of Light
67) Staring at Cats
68) Sunspots and Freckles
69) Tangling Cords and Hoses
70) Telephone Cords
71) Testing Gravity
72) Time B C
73) Truth About Lint
74) Wagging Dogs' Tails
75) Walking Around the Earth
76) What a Tape Recorder Does to Your Voice
77) What Casper Was When Alive
78) What Happened to Dinosaurs
79) What Happened to Groovy Names
80) What Happens to Absorbed Sounds
81) What Happens to Old Mobile Homes
82) What Is a Barometer
83) What Is a Peking Duck
84) What Is Hermeneutics
85) What Is Pure Hogwash
86) What It Is Like to Be a Tree
87) What Love Has to Do with Tennis
88) What Makes People Colorblind
89) What Religion Are Praying Mantises
90) When a Glass Contains More Beer
91) Where Fotomates Go to the Bathroom
92) Where Germs Come From
93) Where Middle Age Spread Comes From
94) Who Painted the Painted Desert
95) Who Put the Bop in the Bop-Shu-Bop
96) Why Are Tortillas Flexible When Warm & Stiff When Cold
97) Why Aren't Cans of Evaporated Milk Empty
98) Why Babies Are Messy Eaters
99) Why Bees Make Wax
100) Why Car Windows Fog
Ask Dr Science 51-100.zip
101) Why Cats Hang out in Grocery Bags
102) Why Cauliflower Looks Like Trees
103) Why Do Animals Walk
104) Why Do Cats Lick Themselves After I Pet Them
105) Why Do Girls Mature Faster Than Boys
106) Why Do Nuclear Explosions Produce Mushroom Clouds
107) Why Do Wintergreen Lifesavers Spark When Chewed
108) Why Does It Take 4 to 6 Weeks for Delivery
109) Why Does My Cassette Player Eat Tapes
110) Why Doesn't All Popcorn Pop
111) Why Dogs Drool
112) Why Dogs Have Black Lips
113) Why Dont I Learn Anything
114) Why Fish Smell
115) Why Food Is Delivered After Lighting Up
116) Why Geese Fly in a Vee
117) Why Is My Underwear Torn
118) Why Is There Public Broadcasting
119) Why Light Bulbs Burn out When Turned On
120) Why Meat Shrinks When Cooked
121) Why Scientists Use Words Like Quark and Google
122) Why Spinach Makes Your Mouth Feel Funny
123) Why There Is No Light in the Freezer
124) Why Whales Beach Themselves
125) Why You Can't Smell Underwater
126) Why You Cry When You Laugh Hard
127) Why You Feel Bad When You Are Sick
128) Women
129) Zebras in Supermarkets
130) Your Home As A Lab - Part 1
131) Your Home As A Lab - Part 2
132) Your Home As A Lab - Part 3
133) Your Home As A Lab - Part 4
134) Your Home As A Lab - Part 5
135) Dr Science's Vacation - Part 1
136) Dr Science's Vacation - Part 2
137) Dr Science's Vacation - Part 3
138) Dr Science's Vacation - Part 4
139) Dr Science's Vacation - Part 5
140) Why Do People Smoke
141) The Center Of The Universe
142) The Force Of Habit
143) Cruise Missiles
144) What Is Spam
145) Why Do Ballpoint Pens Leak
146) Why Is Cellopane Clear
147) Origin Of Announcers
148) Frontage Roads
149) Unanswered Questions
150) Krebs And Menstrual Cycles
151) Smile Faces
152) Carbon Paper And Photocopiers
153) Shampoo Scam
154) Memory Loss
155) The Arts
156) Armpit Noises
157) Occupant Mail
158) Airplane Camouflage
159) Grunting And Strength
160) Underwater Smell
161) Household Items
162) Zebras At The Supermarket
163) Time And Matter
164) Nose Picking
165) Dogs Fear Of Thunder
166) Slugo Syndrome
167) Light Switch Games
168) Bagels And Ice Cream
169) Rainbow Air
170) The Truth About Tar Pits
171) Snowflake Facts
172) PIA Syndrome
173) Rodneys Role
174) Artifical Intelligence
175) Name Withheld By Request
176) The Origin Of Cats
177) When Kids Close Their Eyes
178) Fast Food Fish
179) Conclusion
Ask Dr Science 101-179.zip
Hi James:
Many thanks for this series with Dr. Science.