The wonderful dramatizations and readings of all of the original Lord Peter Wimsey stories are available on Times Past in one place or another, but I'm now looking for the unabridged readings of the four books that Jill Paton Walsh has written. The titles I'm looking for are:
Thrones Dominations (read by Ian Carmichael
A Presumption of Death (read by Edward Petherbridge) and
The Attenbury Emeralds (read by Edward Petherbridge)
Many thanks
I'm adding to this string in the hopes that someone may be able to add the third of these books which is called The Attenbury Emeralds (read by Edward Petherbridge).
I just downloaded the first three files from Thrones Domination and a Presumption of Death and there seems to be a problem.
The file labeled TD 00 is only 44 seconds and stops in mid sentence. Then both files TD 01 and 02 are much longer but both of these stop in mid sentence.
The first two files of PD also end abruptly.
Am I doing something wrong at my end?
I don't know, the books were downloaded. I will check
I checked and the Uploads site is cutting off the end of some if not all files. I will ask Robert about it.
Thanks. I shall stay tuned! I'm sorry to have put you to all the upload work if it's not going to work.
I'm very grateful for your efforts.
I have uploaded numerous books to it since he placed it there and I am almost afraid to check the others. I am not a happy camper either. If he can't fix it or at least figure out why I will upload to my own storage. The reason that I jumped at this is that audiobooks are large and not really my cup of tea. I am a Dramatisation lover and my storage for uploads to Times Past is paid storage for safety reasons. I hear about people's storage being wiped because it was free and there are time limits and very small sized. In fact I will upload them first chance i get. If not tonight then tomorrow night, Doctors appts tomorrow. ----------- R
Mine are affected at least for the past 2 days and some of the earlier ones are iffy. His own files do not appear to be affected, the few I tried. I reposted the 2 books for you in my own storage in rar files and the site reports the same size as when I started. Try them one at a time and let me know. The links are on the posts. ---------------------------- R
I've successfully downloaded and extracted both books and they work just fine. Thank you so much for doing this, I'm very grateful!
It has to be the Uploads site. BTW, I checked a few of Roberts posts and they seem to be fine. WHY ME?????????????? LOL ---------------------------- R
Because no good deed goes unpunished.