I heard about this a little late and missed the episode where
John Cooper Clarke, the Mancunian Rock Poet, was interviewed on Chain Reaction.
I did get the next week when he was the interviewer of Kevin Eldon,
who then chose Mark Steel the week after.
I'm assuming my missing show was broadcast Aug 12 of this year.
Thanks! I remember JCC as the ultimate new wave rock poet,
a great opening act with a terrific back-up band. He glommed
onto Dylan's persona in Don't Look Back, the wild-haired, rail-thin
sun-glassed manic bard and stuck with it.
The Ghost of Al Capone, 90 Degrees in My Shades, many others.
He chants in a hurried, rhythmic monotone, covered in a
thick Manchester accent, but considering
his main vocal competitors in the category are Bob Dylan,
Allen Ginsberg, Tuli Kupferberg and Neil Young,
he doesn't sing that badly (by comparison).
I've heard a few performances and interviews on the BBC with JCC
and he has aged better than expected, both his old stuff in retrospect
and his current position of grand old man of new wave poetry.
Here you are: