IN the 1970's there were several recordings of science fiction and horror authors recording their own works on the Alternate World Recordings record label run by Roy Torgeson
i have a few of these titles
(links posted below) but am seeking any other recordings on the label particularly Blood! The Life and Times of Jack the Ripper. Bloch reads "Yours Truly,
Jack the Ripper" and "A Toy For Juliette." Harlan Ellison reads his story "The
Prowler at the Edge of the World" (Alternate World Recordings, 1977).
links for recordings i have
Can anyone reupload these- the links have gone kaput, and I neglected to grab them while they were working. Rick's link worked fine. It's the other mediafire links from Bob that have gone the way of the dodo bird.
Thanks for any assistance!
YOU ROOOCK Rick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These look like a lot of fun! Thanks so much for sharing.
It was given to me by Michael on another site. It is from "The Voice From The Edge Volume 3 Here is "The Prowler At The Edge Of The World" read by Harlan Ellison.
The Prowler At The Edge Of The World
SFF Audio had this ad from a magazine for these
Alternate World Recordings was a record company releasing spoken word vinyl LP albums and cassettes, featuring SFF authors reading (or interpreting) mostly their own works. Here’s a magazine ad from a mag published in late 1977 (Unearth, Winter 1978):
Thanks for sharing these,wish I could help with the others they sound great.