Abridged Dragonlance audiobooks from Random House

I have been trying to restore the abridged dramatic readings of both the Dragonlance Chronciles and Dragonlance Legends trilogy that Random House put out read by Peter McNichol but not having any luck in it on my own. Does anyone happen to have them that they would be able to share with us?

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  • In my opinion Peter McNichol did the best narration of the Dragonlance stories.

    It is amazing just how much acting he did in voice, film, and tv.  I have listened to the Chronicles and I believe the Legends as well.  Unfortunately, I do not have them now.  Whenever I reread one of the stories and Raistlin is speaking, it is with Peter McNichol's voice I hear.  I always wished someone would have made a good version of the first trilogy into movies like Lord of the Rings.

    I will look for them and post if I find them.  I remember though at one time I looked and had trouble finding them.

    Link to his page

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