A Warning to the Curious

On Monday 13 June at, I think, 9.25, BBC Radio 3 will broadcast a reading of M R James's ghost story "A Warning to the Curious" - it's the 20-minute interval of a live transmission of a Benjamin Britten opera from the Aldeburgh Festival.


Normally I'd make certain of recording it - the story, not the opera - but (a) my good radio is in for servicing, and probably won't be ready, and (b) my wife and I won't be back from visiting our nephew and niece in Yorkshire until fairly late on Monday.


So, if anyone feels up to it, I'll be most grateful if you record "A Warning to the Curious" and post it somewhere in Times Past!





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  • I didn't see her remark that she was going to until after I had posted.  Glad you like them both. ------  Rick

    • I'd rather have it twice than not at all. ;-)



  • Here it is for you.   I asked for it on Usenet when you asked for it.  never know if someone will pick up the request and they did.  Enjoy!  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  Rick

    Radio 3 - Twenty Minutes - A Warning To The Curious.mp3

    • Thank you, Rick! Katy has also posted it in Audiobooks.


      This is what we called the "belt and braces" principle (in North America, for braces read suspenders).


      I'm very grateful to you both.



  • Hi Roger:


    I have it set to record in my Radiodownloader for you.  I'll post it in Audiobooks Monday night.


    Cheers, katy

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