Now here is John Betjeman an English poet. Not only did he write most enjoyable and listenable to poems here in conjunction with Jim Parker you have JB reading his poems with tunes from JP playing through them. I am not sure if the music enhances the poems or not but the conjunction delivers a pleasurable outcome.
Should you wish to find out more then just search John Betjeman online and you will have more than you can read.
I have known people that did not consider JB as a 'proper' poet against others where epic was the cause but to me he all the more a poet as he wrote about the everyday, things that I, at least, can relate to.
here is one website
A Child ill
A Shropshire Lad
Agricultural Caress
Arrest at the Cadoan Hotel, Oscar
Wild Business Girls
Indoor Games Near Newbury
Lenten Thoughts
Longfellow's visit to Venice
On a portrait of a deaf man
The Cockney Amorist
The Flight from Bootle
Youth and age on Beaulieu River, Hants
Having uploaded them I have just noticed that they are aiff format files if I need to change that let me know
Sir John Betjeman's Britain
Some more Betjemen, with Jim Parker's music to set the scene from 1977
1 Hunter Trials
2 Autumn 1964
3 A Subaltern's Love Song
4 Seaside Golf
5 Upper Lambourne
6 Death Of King George V
7 Middlesex
8 South London 1844
9 South London 1944
10 Harrow-On-The-Hill
12 Parliament Hill Fields
A note to those who don't know Sir John's work:
A Shropshire Lad, above, is NOT the Houseman work. :>)
We usually stick to mp3. If it is not too much of a bother I would ask that you also include the mp3 conversion. -- Rick
MP3 folder is
I will remember this now