James Joyce & St Patrick's Day

Somewhere in Finnegans Wake, St Patrick meets a druid and is converted.
Here are some Joyce-related files on my drive, except the one I was looking for:

Milo O'Shea reading "Shem the Penman (chapter 7 of Finnegans Wake)" with
Siobhán McKenna  reading the washerwomen scene from Anna Livia Plurabelle

(ch 8 of FW). 


Ulysses was the greatest book of the last century, but FW might be the greatest

of the 21st.  Give it time.


Here is "A Painful Case" from Dubliners,
Robert Anton (Illuminatus) Wilson on the

best way to read Finnegans Wake,
and a chapter of FW. 

Audio book - James Joyce - Dubliners - 1 of 8 - A Painful Case .mp3

The Best Way to Read Finnegans Wake.mp3


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