First is Anelida & Arcite, whichtells the story of Anelida, queen of Armenia and her wooing by false Arcite from Thebes. It's in a common ME form called a "complaint."
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You need to be a member of Times Past to add comments!
Hey this is really great I like to hear the real language of the time - not that I understand it.
According to Wikipedia:
The terms galaxy and Milky Way first appeared in the English language in this poem.
"See yonder, lo, the Galaxyë
Which men clepeth the Milky Wey,
For hit is whyt."
House of
Wikipedia's summary is far more concise than I could write:
The poem begins with the narrator reading Cicero’s Somnium Scipionis in the hope of learning some “certeyn thing.” When he falls asleep Scipio Africanus shows up to guide him up through the celestial spheres and then to Venus’ temple. The narrator then passes through Venus’ dark temple with its friezes of doomed lovers out into the bright sunlight where Nature is convening a parliament at which the birds all choose their mates. There the three tercel eagles make their case for the hand of the formel until the birds of the lower estates begin to protest and launch into a comic parliamentary debate, which Nature herself finally ends. None of the tercels wins the formel, for Nature allows her to put off her decision for another year (indeed, female birds of prey often become sexually mature at one year of age, males only at two years). Nature allows the other birds, however, to pair off. The dream ends with a song welcoming the new summer. The dreamer awakes, still unsatisfied, and returns to his books, hoping still to learn the thing for which he seeks.
Parliament of
Note: this is, omce again, a multi-part ZIP file.
Troilus & Criseyde.z01