"Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson" was commissioned by the Tennyson Society based in Lincoln where the poet's manuscripts, letters and 4,000 volume library are held in the Tennyson Research Centre.

The readings are by Patrick O'Shaughnessy, a London born Irishman who was/is a schoolmaster, poet and folksong collector and spent most of his life in Lincolnshire.

Pedestrian or read with an authentic Tennysonian tang? The listener will decide for himself. Note that the collection contains what appears to be the only available spoken word version of Tithonus, one of Tennyson's greatest poems.

01 - A Spirit Haunts (O'Shaughnessy).mp3

02 - The Day Dream (O'Shaughnessy).mp3

03 - The Lady of Shallot (O'Shaughnessy).mp3

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