Shaun Keaveny with Keith Richards (excerpts): Legends Week

Shaun Keaveny with Keith Richards (excerpts)
Legends Week
First broadcast:
Monday 12 November 2012

It's a "Happy Monday" as Shaun ushers in a bright new week with laughs provided by the daft goings-on in the world-at-large, his own life, and that of the 6 Music listeners.

He kicks off a week of interviews with music legends with a chat with the perhaps biggest legend of them all....Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards! The boys chat guitars, amps and the 50 years of The Rolling Stones.

The nation shares its Earworm tracks (the ones that have wriggled in at night only to wake you up on a loop first thing), and news horse Matt Everitt delivers up-to-the-minute music news.

All this is wrapped up in a huge snuggly duvet of kicking alternative tunes, both old and new, and a breakfast show devotee applauds something wonderful in the world with a Song Of Praise.

Shaun Keaveny with Keith Richards (excerpts): Legends Week LINK

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