
  • Thanks Reuben.  --------------------------------------  R

    • Yr Welcome Rick, Reuben (swore I said your welcome yesterday but don't see it here)

    • You did.  I accidentally erased it but when I checked it was still there.  You have to be darn careful what key you hit when you are the administrator and i hit the wrong one.

      I have been really twittered lately.  My wife who has MS fell and cracked her pelvis x3 and fractured her hip.  I have been dealing with that, surgery, rehab etc. and also with her little dog who is mourning because his mommy is not here.  He won't eat and he sits on her bed and whines.  It is damned annoying. To top it all off I had an abscessed tooth and had to have a surgical extraction today.  I am about ready to fly.  It is no wonder I hit the wrong key.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day at the looney bin I call home.  LOL   -------------------------------------  R

  • Thanks

    • You're Welcome ^_^

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