@ https://www.mediafire.com/folder/u372040ya6h52//ps
You can find 2 Pete Seeger documentaries
WMBR Troubador 20140130 Petee Seeger tribute
The Midnight Special A Tribute to Pete Seeger 98 7 WFMT & the WFMT Radio Network
The Troubador piece was recorded off the internet and I have not had time - nor will have time - to properly edit it --- the programs stops short in its time slot and the rest of it precedes the next scheduled show - is attached to it - in its time slot so the is some duplication but I do not think anything is missing.
The WFMT is sourced from http://www.prx.org/home - a great site -- you must register but registration is free ---- but you cannot download --- you can listen and/or record.
There are some other PS documentaries there which I may find time to record and post.
OH I SEE - I added a comment and not a discussion !
Further to this discussion, you can find on YouTube an episode of Pete Seeger;s mids 60s tv show Rainbow2 Quest featuring Johnny Cash and June Carter and an episode of Johnny Cash's tv show featuring Pete Seeger
Thank You Sir. ------------------- R
Rick you're welcome -- Reuben-- I have uploaded severak more documentaries from PRX to the folder
Thanks Reuben! -------------------- R