A Celebration in Two Parts of the Haphazard Harmonies and Zany Burlesque of Spike Jones
[128 kbps mono]
BBC Radio 2, August 15 & 22, 1989
Program Compiled by Nick Yapp
Produced by Jonathan James-Moore
Part 1: The City Slickers
1. Introduction
2. City Slickers Come to London--September 1944
3. Spike Jones, Jr.
4. Zep Meissner, lead alto/arranger
5. George Rock, trumpet/musical director (includes Bing Crosby show exerpt, Love in Bloom)
6. George Chisholm, British trombonist
7. Spike Milligan, British humorist
8. George Chisholm
9. Helen Grayco, vocalist/Mrs. Spike Jones
10. Joe Siracusa, drummer (playing for President Truman, March 1948)
11. Bernie Jones, vocalist/saxophonist
12. Peter Clayton, British jazz critic/broadcaster
13. George Melly, British jazz-blues singer/critic/writer and lecturer
14. Bob Kerr, British trumpeter, leader of Bob Kerr's Whoopee Band
15. Vivian Stanshall, tuba, vocalist, cofounder of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
Part 2: The Musical Depreciation Revue
1. Introduction
2. Joe Siracusa
3. Earle Bennett (Sir Frederick Gas)
4. Helen Grayco
5. George Rock
6. Earle Bennett
7. Bernie Jones
8. George Rock
9. Billy Barty, vocalist/comedian
10. Roger Donley, tuba/bass player
11. Zep Meissner
12. Joe Siracusa
13. Helen Grayco
14. Bernie Jones
15. Earle Bennett
16. Spike Jones, Jr., and other interviewees give final thoughts on Spike.
Thanks Rick Reuben ^_^